Look Who Hit The Jackpot… Willie!

Back in February, TAF was asked to help a matted little guy that had been brought into an open access shelter. Besides being a mess, Willie was not showing well in his cage. His fear was getting the best of him and it was a challenge trying to get him out of his cage. With some coaxing, baby talk and a little patience, Willie gave in and earned himself a one-way ticket out of the shelter. After getting a fantastic makeover and recovering from a nasty upper respiratory infection, Willie made some new TAF pups and was ready for adoption!

When Willie’s potential adopters came to meet him he was pretty nervous at first. All that he had known or interacted with was our pups and a few of us. We had to remind ourselves of the condition that Willie was in when we first took him into our program. After being neglected for so long, his world must have been very small and change was scary. Lucky for Willie, his future mom and uncle were pretty darn cool and let him take as much time as he needed. In fact, it was just about one and a half hours before Willie gave his big seal of approval!

With that being said, Willie has found his forever! He no longer resides in Chicago and has moved to a beautiful home in a quiet suburb of Wisconsin. This is a BIG change from the dangerous neighborhood where he was found… his life has done a complete 180 and he is one of the lucky ones. Thank you so much to Willie’s mom and uncle for being so patient and giving him a chance to show you his charm and winning smile! To big kiss that Willie gives his uncle on his adoption day says it all!