Just a little over a month ago, Thomas was found collapsed in the snow hanging on for life. He was already in shock, covered in over a hundred bite wounds and had a baseball size abscess on his chest that smelled of infection. Thomas’ body was failing him and time was running out.

Hospitalized in critical condition, Thomas was started on warm IV fluids and warming packs were placed around his body to help stabilize his dangerously low core temperature. It would take weeks of wound care and IV antibiotics for Thomas to finally be given a clean bill of health. 

It was then that we focused on Thomas’ emotional recovery. This can sometimes be just as challenging. After spending many hours with TAF’s therapy dogs, Thomas learned that when we raised our hands it wasn’t to hit him and when we approached him he did not need to cower… he learned what it meant to be loved and how to trust those that watched over him.

Now for the happy ending… it is with great joy that we announce that Thomas has found his forever home! Thomas’ new dad is a Chicago Police Officer and knows all too well the abuse that Thomas has gone through. He knows that he has a very special pup on his hands and will continue to watch over and protect Thomas, just like those before him. Thomas has already bonded with his new dad and they are inseparable... buddies for life!

A big thank you to everybody that helped to sponsor Thomas’ medical care and to his medical team at Heal. Without all of your help, Thomas would not have made it. Thank you so much for saving his life!