We have great news tonight… STANLEY HAS FOUND HIS FOREVER HOME!!!

TAF first met Stanley and his siblings last June at one of our volunteer days at an open access facility. Stanley and his two siblings were terribly frightened and quickly became ill. Within a week, Stanley was hospitalized in the isolation ward and his brother and sister were fighting for their life. 

In the end, Stanley prevailed but his siblings were too weak and lost their fight to the parvovirus. 

Now all alone, Project Rescue Chicago took Stanley into their program and placed him into one of their wonderful foster homes. It was there, with the help of two very special foster home dogs, that Stanley learned to trust again. This trust opened up a world of opportunity for Stanley, as he was finally able to open his heart and bond with his new forever family. 

Stanley’s family adores him and his new brother absolutely loves him! If a picture is worth a thousand words, I think that the grin on Stanley’s face says it all… our puppy feels loved and is happy.

Thank you to all of the donors that allowed TAF to provide Stanley with the best medical care possible. Because of you, we can all celebrate this happy ending!

Trio Animal Foundation