We have wonderful news… SQUISH HAS FOUND HER FOREVER HOME!!!

About 15 weeks ago, TAF came across a ghostlike figure sitting quietly in a cage at an open access shelter. It was a female pitbull whose emotional state was more offsetting than her physical state. 

Her blank stare was so haunting that one could only hope that she was thinking about happier times in order to cope with the God awful environment that surrounded her. 

As the weeks went on, Tag #293 became thinner and thinner and by week 10 her life was about to come to an end. This 1.5-year-old green-eyed baby girl was about to slip through the cracks and become just another horrible statistic in an open access shelter.

When judgment day came, Project Rescue Chicago stepped in to save her life and worked with the Trio Animal Foundation to get her the medical attention that she needed. It was at this time that Tag #293 earned the name “Squish” because of her soft squishy muzzle and face. 

Once in our isolation rooms at Unleashed, our shell-shocked girl slept for 6 days straight and within 10 days gained 14 pounds and by the end of 3 weeks another 11 pounds.

As fate would have it, Squish’s future dad happened to be riding his bike down the street and saw Squish being walked on the sidewalk. Soon after, he met with a co-worker and told her about a beautiful dog that he had just passed while riding. As it turned out, that co-worker was a PRC volunteer and the rest is history.

Squish now has a new family that includes a cat sibling, mom, dad and a little boy that adores her! Just look at his face in the photo!

On a surreal note, as I was looking through my 14,000(+) photos to find the original photos of Squish, I couldn’t help but notice that over half of the dog photos, that I have taken, are of dogs that never made it out of many open access shelters. Their journeys ended in black bags due to the neglect and overpopulation of the dogs in the city. The feeling of loss and the realization that many had not made it was numbing but it made me realize just how incredibly lucky Squish was to have survived… this dog is truly destined for great things.

Squish’s new dad recently wrote, “I feel like I hit the dog lottery”… we couldn’t agree more.
Trio Animal Foundation