The first time that we met Rocky was when we were hosting a volunteer day at a local open access shelter in Chicago. A Humane Investigator rushed in saying that he just picked up a dog on the side of the road that had been hit by a car. By the way that Rocky’s body was twisted, they thought that his back was broke but once the blood was cleaned away it turned out that his leg had a compound fracture and he was bleeding out.

To make a very long story short, TAF agreed to cover all of Rocky’s medical expenses and rehabilitated him after his amputation. Once healthy enough to leave the hospital, Rocky came home with me and my Trio cared for him until he was ready for adoption. Rocky adored Trio and he followed her around like a puppy. It was the perfect three-legged match and she taught him the tricks of the trade. They were like celebrities when they went on walks together.

TAF will always have a special place in our hearts for Rocky as he was one of the last injured pups that Trio cared for… he was one lucky fellow who received a very special gift.