On May 9th, TAF posted about a senior dog that had been brought to an open access facility after his owner had just passed away. With no family member willing to take him in, this 7 year old Sheltie’s fate seemed to be sealed. Knowing that we could immediately do right by this medically challenged senior, TAF agreed to take Rockford into our program. As the shelter had told us, Rockford was absolutely terrified and so obese that he needed help to stand. When we went to lift him up, Rockford urinated on himself and the look of shame on his face was heartbreaking.

After seeing the urine burns on his belly, the condition of his testicles, ears, teeth and the distorted shape of his body, we took Rockford straight to the vet. After a multitude of tests, x-rays and an ultrasound, it was determined that Rockford needed to have a tumor removed from his testicles and repair/remove infected teeth in his mouth.

Once released from the hospital, TAF began working on Rockford’s mental and physical rehabilitation. Physically, Rockford had thick, raw hematomas on his elbows, was very unsteady while walking, suffered from joint pain, and had developed a scrotal hematoma after being neutered. This hematoma would lead to a second surgery to relieve him of pain. For the next two months, Bridgid (TAF’s Medical & Rescue Director) and Rockford became buddies and Bridgid would prepare homemade chicken and rice meals for him. He especially enjoyed the bone broth as he jumpstarted his new diet plan. Along with this, Rockford was given supplements and medication to help his body heal. To date, Rockford has lost 17 pounds. In the last two weeks, it became apparent that Rockford’s recovery was going to take longer than expected and that he was becoming depressed.

Because of this, we began looking for a forever home that we could work with while fulfilling all of Rockford’s needs. Luckily for us, the perfect forever home was waiting for him! With that, TAF is beyond happy to share that Rockford has been adopted! His new family is thrilled is have him and are committed to continuing the weight loss plan. Rockford has now left Chicago and moved to a quiet countryside home in Wisconsin. Rockford’s parents are retired and will make his twilight years even more special than we ever could have imagined. Rockford now has a big backyard to adventure around in and a deck where he can sunbathe… with such a sad beginning, we couldn’t have asked for a happier ending. TAF would like to thank everybody that has rallied behind Rockford and donated towards his continued medical care. This is a win for everybody!