A BIG WIN for the forgotten ones… On 11/5/18, TAF came across a senior girl that we knew would never make it out of the shelter alive. Even though she had a lot of spunk, Princess Bear had some extremely expensive medical issues. The two biggest issues were a large tumor on her chest and horrifically rotten teeth. To be a responsible rescue, you must be able to appropriately provide medical care for the animals that you pull from an open access shelter. We knew that with the help of our supporters, we could give Princess Bear the chance that she deserved. The odds were not in her favor but we knew this little lady still had a lot of fight left in her. Princess Bear spent several weeks at our primary vet with a nasty upper respiratory infection. During this time, she underwent numerous tests to ensure that she was healthy enough for surgery. Her rotten teeth were doing her no favors and we needed to know if the tumor on her chest could be safely removed. During this time, we also learned that Princess Bear had an intestinal issue that meant she would need to be on a special diet the rest of her life. We weren’t too worried about this because we knew we could provide her future adopters the prescription food they needed to continue her care.

In December, our friends at The Moon Dog Farm offered to foster Princess Bear through her surgery, recovery and beyond. It was pretty great because they did all of the work so we could focus on covering her medical bills. We honestly could not have done it without them and Princess Bear had quite the adventure. She met bunnies, a kitty named Skitty and her BFF pup Gigi… it was something out of a storybook. Fast forward to now, we are so happy to announce that… Princess Bear is cancer free… she no longer has a mouth full of painfully rotten teeth… AND… Princess Bear has found her FOREVER HOME!!!!!!

Princess Bear’s new family didn’t care that Princess Bear was over 10 years old, a bit beat up looking and had dietary issues. All they saw was a beautiful senior girl who had beaten the odds and was in need of a second chance. They loved her just the way she was and wanted to be her forever family. As anyone in rescue can tell you, people like this do not come around often. They were/are an absolute gift and Princess Bear is one lucky dog. TAF must thank our supporters, Princess Bear’s new family and The Moon Dog Farm. Without all of you, none of this would have been possible! Have a wonderful life Princess Bear!!!