WONDERFUL NEWS... TAF sponsored Pirri has found his forever home!!!

TAF met Pirri at our last volunteer day at an open access shelter. Even though he was scared and hid in the back of his cage, Pirri would peak his head out if you crouched down and spoke to him in a soft voice.

Not being to get this boy off of our minds that evening, TAF reached out to Project Rescue Chicago to see if they would work with us and bring Pirri into their adoption program.

For the following weeks, PRC looked after Pirri and made sure that he made it to all of his vet appointments. Once Pirri was given a clean bill of health from TAF's vet, PRC found him a loving forever home with two parents that adore him.

I think that the smile on Pirri's face says it all... this pup knows that he is loved.

Trio Animal Foundation