On November 6th, TAF received a call from the 012th District of the Chicago Police Department after an emaciated senior Chihuahua was found near death in a garbage can. It was only 45 degrees outside and this 18 year old had barely any fur. With garbage stuck to her bare skin she was barely moving and her body was starting to shut down.Maxine needed emergency medical treatment and the CPD did everything that they could to save her. In particular, Lt. Mike Rigoli, Sgt. Menoni and Police Officer Laura Agin went above and beyond to help Maxine. When TAF picked Maxine up from the police station, she was lifeless. We took her straight to the ER Vet where she was rushed to the back and worked on immediately.

Through the almost 2 months of recovery, Maxine stopped eating at one point, was vomiting and became lethargic. As it turned out, the 6 remaining teeth in the back of her mouth had become so infected that her cheeks actually started to puff out. Even though she was still extremely underweight, and suffering from a secondary skin infection and yeast overgrowth, Maxine needed to go in for emergency surgery.

With the fighting spirit of a little warrior, Maxine persevered and beat all of the odds. Our 18 year old did not give up and she deserves a standing ovation for that. From the day she was found, nothing was going to take her down… not even her abuser.

In the true spirit of Christmas, a wonderful woman asked if she could be Maxine’s mom… for however long that might be. Maxine’s future mom understood that she most assuredly would have accidents in the house, not be a big fan of some people and have a mighty attitude. With all of this knowledge, this wonderful woman said that she would be honored to be Maxine’s mom. We honestly couldn’t have asked for a more loving and caring home for Maxine’s twilight years. This will be the best Christmas ever for our 5.6 pound miracle and boy does she deserves it… she truly will have a wonderful life.