Matrix had been sitting in front of a school, on the south side of Chicago, since the early morning hours trying to get inside to warm up. It had been no more than 20 degrees that day and the poor puppy was freezing. Every time somebody new walked by or tried to enter the school, Matrix would follow them closely and either try to sneak in with them or to hitch a ride in their cars... he would actually follow them to their cars and try to get in. The security guard, at the school, was even kicking him every time that he tried to enter the school.

Matrix was so cold that he had a hard time walking because his paws were so cold. However, our little guy never gave up. Matrix's perseverance worked because a very nice woman named Sarah scooped him up and brought him to her home.

Sarah then contacted TAF and we worked together to get Matrix the help that he needed.  

Once Matrix was safely at our vet, he was neutered, given a "lite" dental, fully vaccinated, microchipped, treated for parasites, groomed and given treatments for fleas. Matrix was also treated for a skin condition that caused scabs to form on the back end of his body. This skin condition was due to an allergic reaction to flea bites.