MARGE!!! Look at one of our little miracles. After surviving a flea infestation that drained most of her blood. A mouth full of rotten teeth and coming dangerously close to losing both of her eyes, Marge did it! Our senior girl has made a full recovery and found her forever home!

On September 27th, Marge was left to die in an alley. TAF took life saving measures that included a blood transfusion, amongst other things. Marge was so critical that her medical team didn’t know where to begin or if the battle had already been lost. We told them to start simply with a heartworm test and senior blood panel. After that, we would make our decisions based on quality of life, realistic outcomes and gut instincts. We can, now, proudly say that we knocked this one out of the park!

When it comes to Marge’s new mom, WOW! She is a repeat adopter and has helped so many abused dogs in our care. We were absolutely thrilled when she reached out to us asking to be Marge’s mom. Alycia is a truly selfless woman and Marge will never go without. Who would have thought that a dog thrown away like trash would have gotten such a happy ending? I guess everything is possible if you just have faith.

TAF would like to thank all our generous donors and supporters. By sharing Marge’s post, sending prayers, positive thoughts and donations, she was given a gift that most abused dogs never get… a do over. A second chance to live the life they were meant to have.