After spending day in and day out in a cage lined only with newspaper, Macey has found a forever home!

On June 8th, TAF was contacted by local Animal Control about a senior Chihuahua that had been with them for over a month. Macey was showing very poorly in her cage and nobody wanted to take her out let alone adopt her. Knowing that she stood little to no chance of leaving the facility, we agreed to take Macey in. When we went to meet Macey, she was missing quite a bit of her fur , her bare skin was pink as could be and he tongue was hanging out. She badly needed a dental and pretty much just looked like a scared little rodent. It broke your heart seeing a 5 pound senior little so terrified that they were trying to crawl up the back of their cage. Long story short, TAF took Macey in and was able to bring her right to the vet.

After recuperating there for little over a week, Macey came back to TAF. She needed to put on some weight before going under for dental surgery so she chilled out with us. During that time, one of TAF’s first adopters (started back around 10 years ago) contacted us about possibly giving Macey a forever home. This beautiful couple had already adopted 3 TAF dogs in the past and now was ready for another. Their first adopted dog, Leia, was actually paired up with TAF’s namesake Trio. Leia had been used in a testing lab. Their next adopted pup was a sweet Chihuahua mix named Wilma. Lastly, perhaps one of my favorite foster dogs ever, was Chula. Chula was the littlest biggest jerk and was a 5 lb. piranha that lived at my home. I never even tried to interact with Chula; TAF’s therapy dogs Bentley & Hazel Grace won her over. Once they did, Chula followed Antler and Miller around. Finally, she gave me a chance and became my little buddy. After that she was a work in progress and eventually realized that humans could be pretty cool once given a chance. (Please make sure that you check out Chula’s face in one of the family’s adoption photos! If looks could kill… LOL!)

Well, with all of that being said, TAF is so happy to officially announce that Macey has been ADOPTED!!! This poor senior dog had to go through hell to come out on the other side to one of the most loving and happy homes. She will never want for anything and will always know that she is loved unconditionally. Pretty much her twilight years will be awesome with two of the most selfless people we have ever met. Like with Chula, Macey’s mom and dad saw just special a senior dog can be.