TAF came across Lily as we walked down an isle of cages at an open access shelter. She was hiding under her bed and all that you could see was her face peaking out. Lily's owners had just given her up the day before and she was shaking in fear. It was pretty rough to see and we took her home with us.

After spending a few days at the vet, some time at The Moon Dog Farm and a sleepover with Hazel Grace, Antler, Bentley, Eeyore and Steve, it was time for Lily to meet her forever family. Lily was a little scared at first but when we brought Hazel Grace and Bentley into the room, Lily's new family saw just how playful she could be. When she saw her new friends, she lit up and her true personality shine through... the rest is history. Lily now has a wonderful family that adores her and she will never want for anything, again. Just think of it, a scared homeless pup just got her forever home in time for Christmas..