As many may remember, the Trio Animal Foundation was contacted on May 1st about an emaciated female dog that was in dire need of medical attention.

The dog was initially spotted on the side of the road by a police officer and by the time her rescuers arrived, she had sought shelter in a discarded car tire. Consumed by fear, she made one last ditch effort to escape and ultimately found herself under the car of her rescuers.

Trio Animal Foundation

Since TAF only pays for the medical bills of homeless animals and does not adopt them out, we contacted Project Rescue Chicago to see if they could take our battered girl into their program. Once they agreed, we picked Filly up and brought her in for emergency treatment.

Upon meeting this pup, we couldn’t help but notice on how much she looked like a newborn foal. Her long lanky legs could barely support her weight as she wobbled when she attempted to move. Because of this, and the upcoming Kentucky Derby, we have decided to name her Filly.

Once at the vet, the gravity of Filly’s medical condition fully began to sink in. It was far too uncomfortable for Filly to lie down so I had her rest her head on my shoulder and she stood as the doctor examined her. At times, Filly would pull her head back, look into my eyes and then gently lean her forehead against mine. It felt like the pain that resonated through her body went right to my heart. 

As the exam progresse
d, blood started coming out of Filly’s back end and her body started to shut down. It was at that point that she was immediately rushed to the critical unit and put on supportive care.

Well, after almost 2 ½ months of rehabilitation, our sweet Filly has been placed in a wonderful home with a mom that adores her! The best news is that Filly’s mom is a school teacher and this means that she has another month off before she has to go back to work! 
TAF would like to thank Filly's rescuers and all of the generous donors that stepped up to assist in covering Filly’s medical expenses. Also, thank you to PRC who answered our call for help when we needed them most! 

Filly… the intolerable cruelty that you have endured from those in your past life would have broken the strongest of men. However, your will to survive and ability to trust those that love you has opened up the door to a new and wonderful life. May the happiness that fills your heart bring you peace and serenity for the rest of your life.