In deplorable condition, Evan was found eating out of a garbage bag on the south side of Chicago. It was New Years Day and Chicago’s winter had already taken a toll on his abused body. Because he had been so matted fur that had never been addressed, much of Evan’s fur had already ripped out from his skin. Before long, the matted fur on the rest of his body would have soon followed suit. Evan’s exposed skin showed signs of frostbite and sores had already started to show.

After two hours of cutting and maneuvering through Evan’s matted fur and wounds, we were able to ease the pressure on his skin and give him a soothing bath. Evan would than on for medical treatment and receive treatment for his injuries.

After some major TLC and medical care, TAF is happy to announce that Evan has found his forever home! Evan instantly hit it off with his new brother and fell in love with the rest of the family. In fact, when the adoption was complete, Evan was the first one out the door and he headed straight for his new family’s car. He was not about to miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime… his second chance! As we have mentioned before, a big thank you to Frank… the gentleman that saw Evan out in the cold and stopped to save him.