FANTASTIC NEWS… TAF sponsored Carmen has found her forever home!!!

In November 2012, TAF asked Project Rescue Chicago if they would partner up with us to pull a female pitbull in need on the first anniversary of our namesake’s passing. Working together, TAF sponsored all of Carmen’s medical needs and PRC treated her like a princess and made sure that she never went without.

Well, all of PRC’s hard work and dedication has paid off because TAF sponsored Carmen landed herself in the most loving home ever… a home that adores her and a support system that will never fail her. Quite simply, Carmen’s wait was not in vain. The most recent update from her new mom ended with the words, “Simply put, Best. Dog. Ever.”

If that didn’t make you smile… when Carmen’s dad works from different rooms in their home, Carmen will follow him pulling her bed, room to room, so that she can sleep next to him. I think that pretty much sums up the love that Carmen feels in her heart for her new family.

Best of luck to Carmen and her new family! Also, a HUGE thank you to Bridgid, from Project Rescue Chicago, for never giving up on our girl and seeing her adoption through to the end!!!

Trio Animal Foundation