On January 19th TAF posted that we had pulled Campbell from an open access shelter after he sat in a cage for 9 months. Since Campbell was a bit shell shocked and timid from being at the shelter for so long, he did not show well when rescues walked by his cage to assess his mental well-being.

TAF saw the potential in Campbell and knew that we had the capabilities to work with him and give him the time that he needed to adjust to what would be a “normal” life… Campbell needed to learn to be a dog again. 

That night, Campbell walked on grass for the first in 9 months and he was finally free.

TAF is so happy to announce that Campbell has found a forever home in the suburbs with a yard of his own and a sibling to play with. The love that his new dads have for him has warmed his heart and given him reason to smile, again. This is the happy ending that every shelter dog should experience.