Well… it’s official… TAF sponsored BIRDIE has found her FOREVER HOME!!!

For those not familiar with Birdie’s story, here is a brief summary of my first encounter with her…

Upon arriving at the puppy’s cage, I couldn’t help but notice a pungent odor. As I crouched down to take a closer look, a weary little face peeked out from the shadows to greet me. It was a female pitbull puppy that, among other things, was suffering from one of the worst cases of mange that I had ever seen. 

The puppy was swollen from the tips of her toes to the lids of her eyes. The parts of her body, that were once covered by fur, were now lined with hard callouses that she was desperately trying to chew off. The infestation of mites had ravaged her skin so badly that with every movement her flesh would crack and bleed.

Once out of the open access shelter, Birdie was immediately brought to the vet where she started treatment to ease her pain and give her some relief. After month of daily treatments, Birdie was healthy enough to be spayed and vaccinated. Birdie flourished as the weeks went by and before we knew it we had a happy and playful puppy on our hands. Although some of the patches of her fur may never fully grow in, our little girl is still as beautiful as can be.

We are so grateful to Project Rescue Chicago for finding Birdie an amazing home that will love her for the rest of her life!

Also, thank you so much to everybody that donated towards Birdie’s care and gave her a second chance at a happy ending. Such random acts of kindness will not soon be forgotten.

Trio Animal Foundation