On March 30th, while walking down the isles of an open access shelter, TAF came across a heart crushing sight… a dog that was in such emotional distress that her body could barely cope with the fear. As long strands of drool draped the ground, Belle shook uncontrollably as she looked through the bars of her cage… she was looking for the family that just left her behind. Knowing that Belle would crumble under the stress, TAF took her into our program and out of the shelter.

Once in our care, it was not long before it was confirmed that Belle needed immediate orthopedic surgery from a surgeon skilled in knee repair. On April 16, Belle had her anterior cruciate ligament, luxating patella and meniscus repaired. It would be another 7 weeks until she made a full recovery.

After weeks of help from the staff at Unleashed Pups, TAF was able to get Belle back on her feet and ready for a new life… it was then that she met a family… her forever family. TAF is so happy to announce that Belle has officially been adopted and is now living a quiet and happy life up in Wisconsin! Belle’s new forever family absolutely adores her and are over the moon about the newest addition to their family. From here on out, Belle will only know love, affection and the safety of having a forever family by her side. With a new knee and a new family, Belle has finally gotten her happily ever after. A big thank you to everyone that was able to help sponsor Belle’s orthopedic surgery… you helped give a scared little dog her life back and that is the greatest gift of all.