When Aster was to be euthanized, people like you stepped in and saved her life…

Back on September 1st, TAF received a distress call from the emergency vet. We were told that a puppy had been hit by a car and was going to be euthanized if we couldn’t cover her medical bills and take her into our program. Aster had both of her front legs broken and she was suffering. It was a do or die situation and we chose life.

After having both of her legs repaired by an Orthopedic Specialist, Aster would go on to have 10 weeks of physical therapy and rehabilitation. TAF paid for all of Aster’s medical bills and her foster home took on the daunting task of keeping a 10 month puppy on strict crate rest. Not to mention driving over 4 hours a week for Aster’s doctor appointments. It was a labor of love for Aster’s foster parents and we can’t thank them enough. Lisa and Officer Bob are truly amazing human beings.

Now, we are so happy to officially announce that Aster has a mom and dad to call her own! Our brave little puppy conquered all odds and was given a second chance. Because of TAF’S selfless donors, a defenseless puppy’s life was saved and a forever home was found. A forever home with a family that loves her and will watch over her for the rest of her life… and a very long and happy life that will be.

Thank you to Aster’s medical teams. There were so many people that put our puppy back together, again. To everyone that sent positive thoughts, prayers and shared Aster’s post, you truly made a difference. Thank you!