The day after Trio passed, I visited a local open access shelter in hopes of finding a female pitbull puppy to save in Trio’s honor. As fate would have it, I stumbled across a sickly little puppy that had been at the shelter for quite some time. The moment that I realized she was the one I scooped her out of her cage, wrapped my arms around her and buried my face in the crook of her fuzzy little neck. It was then that I decided to name her Abigail as that was Trio’s original name.

I swear this puppy knew that she had to put on a strong face at the shelter because within an hour of coming into TAF’s care, her health quickly deteriorated and she was hospitalized with pneumonia. After weeks of hospitalization and vet visits, our baby girl pulled through and was ready for adoption with the help of our friends from Project Rescue Chicago. The day that PRC let me know that they had found the perfect forever home for Abigail I was elated. As hard as it was to say “goodbye” to Abigail, I knew that she was destined for great things. I am happy to say that I receive almost weekly photos of newly named “Hazel” and it is absolutely wonderful to see her with the beautiful family that loves her unconditionally. As you can see from the photos, Hazel has hit the jackpot and is the luckiest dog around… truly a fairytale ending.

Trio Animal Foundation